A Talk to DIS Students on “Unexpected Global Influences Upon Ancient Cultures from Art History and Cultural Interaction Perspective”
Updated : 2015/12/16
Students of DIS with Mr. Lauer, speaker of the talk
On November 23rd, 2015, students of the Department of International Studies, University of Foreign Language Studies-The University of Da Nang have participated in a talk with Mr. Nathan Lauer, Director of Sales and Marketing, Vinahouse, Quang Nam, a volunteer of Da Nang Cham Sculpture Museum, on the topic “Unexpected Global Influences Upon Ancient Cultures from Art History and Cultural Interaction Perspective”
Mr. Lauer talked about cultural interaction from the angle of art history
The open and interactive talk has brought students a new approach to history and culture as well as a chance to practice their English communication skill.
The interesting examples of the influence of the world’s major cultures on the Vietnamese one along with the highly interactive method of question-answer have made the talk become a useful lesson for the students.
Interaction between speaker and students
Especially, in the context that learning history and culture is being underestimated with the view that those subjects are not practically useful for students’ career after graduation, Mr. Nathan Lauer as a businessman has emphasized the importance of knowledge about history and culture in different kinds of professions including business. Moreover, he has given advice on the methods to turn learning history and culture from a boring obligation into something interesting and exciting.
After the talk, many students shared, “It was a very interesting activity giving us motivation to study the history and culture of Da Nang and Vietnam. Ms. Nguyen Huong Tra, student from 15CNQTHCLC class said, “This is a really good way to comprehensively study culture as well as inspire students. I am going to learn more about Alexander The Great in order to further my knowledge about his influence on the world’s cultures.”